
About Us

Lavrenti Smart Interior started from September, 2007, using environment friendly and innovative materials. We raise the standard of interior to a smarter stage, so that we could contribute on both domestic and international. All of us believe that interior design should be accessible to everyone. That’s why our packages are designed to be affordable and our designers are trained to work within the budget.

At Lavrenti Smart Interior, accessibility is key. We firmly believe that everyone deserves access to exceptional interior design services regardless of their budget. This belief is reflected in our approach to creating tailored packages that are not only stylish and functional but also affordable. Our team of dedicated designers is trained to work within the constraints of any budget, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality design solutions without breaking the bank.

Over the years, we have built a reputation for excellence in the industry, thanks to our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and affordability. Our innovative use of eco-friendly materials sets us apart, allowing us to create stunning interiors that not only look good but also contribute to a healthier planet.

As we continue to grow and evolve, our dedication to providing accessible interior design remains unwavering. Whether it’s a residential space or a commercial project, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional design solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations while staying true to our core values of sustainability and affordability.

Join us on our journey to redefine interior design and make it accessible to everyone. Together, we can create spaces that are not only beautiful but also environmentally conscious and budget-friendly.

On march 2017, our trademark has made its way to be registered and open to the market. We are certified as PT DIMENSI PRATAMA GLOBAL, which also being registered to Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP).


We provide professional consultation with the clients before, during, and after throughout the process.


Responsible for planning, leading, executing, supervising, and inspecting a building construction project.


Produces mood boards, design concepts, and 3D rendered models using their professional skills.